segunda-feira, 30 de março de 2015

Google street art project

How the internet is helping to catalog thousands of pieces of street art before they disappear forever. 

Leia aqui a reportagem do The Guardian

sábado, 28 de março de 2015

The Taming of Tech Criticism

Leia aqui o artigo da The Baffler
What does it mean to be a technology critic in today’s America? And what can technology criticism accomplish? The first question seems easy: to be a technology critic in America now is to oppose that bastion of vulgar disruption, Silicon Valley. 

domingo, 22 de março de 2015

7 Ways Technology is Changing How Art is Made

Technology is redefining art in strange, new ways. Works are created by people moving through laser beams or from data gathered on air pollution.

Leia aqui

domingo, 1 de março de 2015

El arte electrónico se normaliza - Arco 2015

Instalação de Analivia Cordeiro, vencedora do Pémio Arco Beep - 2015. Galeria Anita Beckers. Foto Samuel Sanchéz.

Leia aqui a notícia do El País